BHAUS EIGHT May Newsletter

Beach House in La Libertad, El Salvador (Surf City)

Forces are coming together for an interesting show in the real estate industry. Inflation has increased to new highs of roughly 8.5%, interest rates have climbed by about 2% versus a year ago, GDP fell for the first time since the second half of 2020, all while consumer spending levels remain high (these levels may wane now that Fed Reserve prepares to shrink its $9tn balance sheet). We are expecting that all these forces at play will eventually catch up with the residential real estate market and buyers will again enjoy the next cycle of a buyers’ market.

This month e have a lot of great information and thoughts on the changing RE market and what those changes mean to buyers. We also have a quick chat on the pros and cons of different loan programs! Click below to read more...


Santa Ynez Wine Country


BHAUS EIGHT April Newsletter